Brine Freezing Technology

Brine freezing is considered one of the best freezing methods for foods. Traditional freezing, can take upwards of 36 hours for the entire product to be frozen solid. During the traditional slow freeze, moisture cells expand and actually tear the muscle meat cells during the process. As a result, during the thaw process moisture "weeps" from the meat and torn cells soften the texture of the product.

In brine freezing technology, the vacummed packaged product is dipped into a super cooled liquid bath at -40 degrees celsius. Freezing occurs immediately and before moisture cells have chance to expand or to tear the meat. Total freeze occurs in 45 minutes or less. As a result, when the product is thawed out, the texture is still firm and there is minimal water "weeping" loss.

Brine Freezing occurs so quickly, that the product actually turns white in the process. When the product is thawed out, it blooms back to a beautifully, rich, beet red, color. See the photos below.

We offer Brine Frozen AAA Saku, Tuna Cubes, Ground Meat & Tuna Strips

Need more information? Contact us at
Island Brand Seafood Imports • Tel: 978 281 7771

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